The Great Rewrite

It’s been a rough year. I’ve put writing on hold, but now I’m ready to get back into continuing my story.

So, back in November of last year, I entered National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) with the goal of writing my 2nd novel in the Storm Seer’s Prophecy series. I completed the month having written over 73k words of my story and continued with it in the hopes of completing it by the end of the year.

Well, things didn’t go as planned. Due to a glitch in my cloud drive I lost the manuscript. I tried everything, including customer support, to no avail. To top it all off, I had been careless and never saved a copy on my hard drive at home. My mistake for being so careless and stupid, but I ended up losing all but the first 10k or so of the story. I went into a bit of a funk after that. I’d moved back to Georgia at the end of July and I’m living with my brother, whose family was gracious enough to give me a place to stay (rent free) so I could get back on my feet. By the beginning of December, I still hadn’t found a full time job and I’m paying bills by working in the motel industry again with a part time job working with my step mother, who is the motel’s General Manager. I’m sliding deeper into debt with every passing day. Writing just doesn’t seem that important right now, so I put off completing my work until I can get my head back into focus.

Now it’s September. After a year, I’ve finally found a full time job, I’ve met a wonderful woman who’s interested in seeing me complete my work. I’ve also reconnected with an old friend; one that helped to inspire my story in the first place. He is also a writer and is helping me to get back into the swing of things. As of now, I’m reworking my outline and I’m preparing myself to rewrite the story from scratch.

Still I’m finding it hard to get back into a good groove. Has anyone else fallen out of writing for a time and found a way to get back into the swing of things? I’m interested in hearing what you found that helped you get back into writing again.

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